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Dear girl, you are so beautiful!

Listen, my dearest darling,
you are so beautiful—you are beauty itself to me!
Your eyes are like gentle doves behind your veil.
What devotion I see each time I gaze upon you.

Song of Songs 4:1 TPT

'I know I am not beautiful.' she said to my with downcast eyes and submission in her tone. My heart broke in that instant. I looked at her, yes she wore the scars of many battles in her life but I could see past these. Tears came to my own eyes as she continued to express her unworthiness of having a love in her life. 'There are better women out there.' she went on. 'Prettier, younger women. Why would he choose me?' My heart broke even more as I recognised these words immediately. Words I have said to myself time and time again over the years. Not just about men, but friends also, jobs, responsibilities and so on. 'There are better people out there, why would they choose me?' Battling with my own insecurity over and over.

But here is was being reflected back to me. Like looking in a mirror and hearing my own words coming out of another woman.

For you reach into my heart.
With one flash of your eyes I am undone by your love,
my beloved, my equal, my bride.
You leave me breathless—
I am overcome
by merely a glance from your worshiping eyes,
for you have stolen my heart.
I am held hostage by your love
and by the graces of righteousness shining upon you.

Song of Songs 4:9 TPT

'He said he isn't attracted to me with this body.' another friend was telling me, another moment, another conversation. 'How can I possibly win? My heart crushed in that instant. I could see her in my rearview mirror as she spoke to me on our drive home from an event. Her face devastated by these words. Her soul overwhelmed with saddness. As I caught glances of her, I again recognised these words. I recalled the state of humiliation and shame that I couldn't do enough to be enough. She lowered her head and we drove in silience tears running down her cheeks and my own.

How delightful is your love, my sister, my bride!
How much more pleasing is your love than wine,
and the fragrance of your perfume
more than any spice!

Song of Songs 4:10 NIV

'I haven't heard anyone tell me I am beautiful in years.' my friend told me as her life seemed to be falling apart around her. Her eyes were tired and her face long. It was hard to see a glimmer of hope in her. My heart broke.  'I've lost all confidence I have ever had in myself. I don't even know who I am anymore.' More breaking. I looked upon her with a longing, a yearning for her to know some things.

To know some truths so deep in her soul that nothing could ever take these away ever again.

The truth was in each encounter with these women all I saw before me was the most beautiful women in the world. Her tenderness was captivating. All I could see was an incredible beauty. And I expressed this later to all three of these precious woman, they would smile and the fullness of who she was started to be revealed. As I shared with her how much she is adored not only by me and others but God above, a light sparked in her eyes and more beauty revealed. 'Really?' my friend said as she looked up at me. 'Do you really think I am beautiful?' Just like a little girl asking her daddy. 'Am I lovely? Am I beautiful? Do you love me? I went on to tell her that when she walks into the room the atmosphere changes. Her strength and dignity and grace cover the room. 'If only you could see yourself how I see you!' I said. Having had these very words spoken to me once too.

The light of the eyes rejoices the heart,
and good news refreshes the bones.

Proverbs 15:30 ESV

Dear girl/woman, you are captivating! You hold the attention of those around as soon as you step into the knowing that you are fearfully and wonderfully made. There is nothing wrong about you.

You are beautiful. I know it!

And it's about time you knew it too!

My Nana was captivating. She was short and overweight and old which the world may have called unseen and unsought. Contrary to what the world says, she was one of the most beautiful woman I have had the pleasure of knowing. She held herself with dignity and grace. She was confident in who she was. She knew her heavenly father and that she was his daughter. She was perfectly imperfect. She had the most glorious smile that lit up the room. Her eyes twinkled and sparkled like diamonds. I loved the way her Newcastle accent meant she rolled her Rs. I loved how she sat like the Queen at the head of her dining table applying her makeup or 'her face' as she used to say each morning. She let people take care of her. She remained steadfast even in the chaos of the life around her. She had 13 children! And I believe over 40 grandchildren and who knows how many great grandchildren. My Nana was absolutely beautiful.

If your beauty has been burried and hidden for a long time behind or underneath wounds, a stink attitude, a powerless mindset, a hardened heart, or struggles with depression, it will take time to reveal itself again. It needs time to be restored. Your beauty longs to be set free. Start with being open to the truth that you could be beautiful. You could be captivating. Start to really see yourself as a precious treasure to be nurtured and nourished. Just like an expensive diamond. These days, we take our jewellery to the jewellers to be checked for damage, repaired and cleaned up in order to keep our insurance valid. We should do the same for ourselves. Look for any broken pieces and set out to experience healing. Get on the road to restoration and clean up any messes along the way. We might need solitude and stillness, rest and relaxation to start to reveal our beauty again. We might need humour, joy and laughter. We might need people or nature or Jesus. I sure needed Jesus!

Those who look to him are radiant;
their faces are never covered with shame.

Psalm 34:5

Once you know that you are loved, you will shine. It is illuminating and anyone can wear this! Beauty flows from our pours. From the heart of who we are and who we believe we are becoming. Beauty can grow in you no matter how old or how broken you are or feel. Beauty can behold you no matter your scars, your wrinkles, how thick or thin your hair is. Allow the beauty to come alive in you. And remember to encourage another woman to do the same. Tell her she is the most beautiful person in the room, in your life. Tell her you are so captivated by her. Tell her when she smiles that whole world stops and stares for a while. In fact go back and read the scripture above from book of Song of Songs for inspiration from the poetry and wisdom of King Solomon. And also let Bruno Mars help you with some his words...

When I see your face,
There's not a thing that I would change,
Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are.
And when you smile,
The whole world stops and stares for a while.
Cause, girl, you're amazing,
Just the way you are.

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